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The 5 Most Important Parts Of Your HVAC System

Would you be surprised to hear us say that pretty much everything hooked up to your HVAC system is vital? Consider just how integrated everything has gotten over the years. HVAC systems have numerous disparate components that all have to work in concert to deliver you the kind of experience you deserve.

A few things would be particularly problematic for you if they were ever to fail. We took a closer look at the Furnace Part Source catalog to develop the following top five.

1. Thermostats & Sensors


Without a thermostat, you’re not going to be able to accomplish much with your HVAC equipment. That’s because you’d have no way of setting the desired temperature. In such a scenario, your AC unit or furnace would simply run until it either ran your power bill up to unimaginable levels or simply gave out.

Ironically, thermostats are also probably some of the most visible parts of the system you have installed in your home or place of business. They tend to sit comfortably on the wall with intuitive controls.

2. Wires


Don’t laugh when you read that wires are one of the most vital components in your system because there wouldn’t be any way to control it otherwise. Electric systems all rely on power cables to draw current.

Without electricity, your gear simply would refuse to function. Even gas-fired equipment usually has at least some electrical parts attached to it, making this an even more critical aspect of your installation.

3. Fan Blades


That fancy new whole-house fan you invested in won’t do much good if you don’t have any blades attached to it. These seem like passive components, but they spin around in time with a motor that rotates them.

The motor gives fan blades the ability to pull or push air through your system. While they’re pretty reliable, you’d more than likely know right away should there be any issue with them.

4. Circuit Boards


At one point, it was possible to apply power to most appliances, and they would accomplish their intended chore. However, you need very carefully tuned control hardware to ensure that everything is working as intended.

Circuit boards and other sophisticated electronics with a modern HVAC system are necessary to keep them working as intended. If you’ve ever heard of a computer system failure and wondered what that meant in terms of furnaces and AC units, then these vital components were more than likely at fault.

5. Blowers

Blower motors are probably one of the most likely to fail pieces of equipment. There’s a good chance that they’re also one of those that use the most power in your entire system. They move air throughout all of the ductwork attached to your AC unit and furnace.

With such dependence, these devices aren’t going to do much good without an efficient blower attached. Whenever your system switches on, and you suddenly feel a surge of air, this highly vital component is compatible

Manage Your Air Conditioning System With Furnace Part Source

Furnace Part Source wants to be an HVAC specialists’ top source for different air conditioner and heating system components. From evaporator coils to heat exchangers, we are ready to manage cool and warm air.

For more information on replacement parts for any of these vital components, make sure to contact us online today. Furnace Part Source knows which air filters will affect indoor air quality and maintain a system in the long run.

16th Aug 2021 Furnace Part Source

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