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How To Cool Upstairs: Second Floor Airflow Solutions

How To Cool Upstairs: Second Floor Airflow Solutions

Do you find that your second floor is constantly warmer than your first floor? You're not the first person to suffer from this problem. In fact, it's one of the most common heating and cooling issues that homeowners face during the summer months.

When you invested in an HVAC system, you probably assumed that the network of ducts and fans around your property would cool all your home without a problem. However, the truth is that various factors can lead to an uneven heating experience in the different rooms of your house. Here, we'll take a look at some of the ways that you can begin to balance the difference between your floors and bring a consistent sense of comfort back to your home.

Causes For Uneven Heating Or Cooling

Different factors can affect your air conditioning or heating. Some are as simple as your vents and airways are clogged with dust or other contaminants. Others are more complicated, that your heating or cooling unit is too small for the size of the area.

How To Increase Airflow To The Second Floor

You want to keep your space upstairs cool during the hottest summers. This not only increases comfort in the home but also reduces your energy costs.

Step 1: Check Your Air Ducts For Leaks

The first step to making sure that your HVAC system can work efficiently and effectively on both floors of your home is checking your air ducts for leaks. This may require turning to an expert for advice.

A leak in your cooling system can cause your central air system to work harder. This compensates for the lost temperatures that go missing somewhere along the line.

The problems that you experience as a result might only be minimal. Even so, an overstrained HVAC system contributes to seriously uneven cooling around your home.

Step 2: Switch Away From Auto

There's a good chance that your thermostat includes both an "On" and an "Auto" position. If your home cooling system is uneven, then try switching the fan to the "on" position instead.

In the "on" position, your HVAC knows to circulate air constantly, even when the cooling cycle is finished. This helps to even out the temperatures between floors. On the other hand, in the "auto" position, your fan will only run until it assumes you've reached the right temperature.

Step 3: Make The Most Of Your Air Vents

Look around your home and check to see whether you have any dirty or blocked vents. Airflow clogs could damage more consistent heating or cooling experience. See if your air conditioner filters need replacing, or that dust has accumulated.

You can vacuum dirty vents to make them more efficient. Alternatively, move furniture that might be blocking airflow. You can also redirect the air to certain areas of your home by partially closing some of the vents on your first floor. This will force more air up into the second floor and beyond.

Step 4: Consider Using Zone Control HVAC

Investing in a zoning system can sometimes be pricey. It's also one of the most effective ways to make sure that you have an even cooling experience all the way throughout your home. These zoning systems allow you to control the temperature that you'll experience in different rooms and floors throughout the house.

Zone Control HVAC uses ductwork and dampers to distribute air more evenly around a designated area. They require many moving parts for this regulation. Honeywell, for example, has the AQ15540B Aquatrol Zoning Module. Or you may want to consider the Climate Master brand, with its ZONEXX0DTS01 Zoning System Duct/HP Sensor.

Additionally, an HVAC contractor can set up customized zones in your house for you. For instance, do you know you prefer a warmer bathroom and a cooler bedroom? Then you can set that as your default status.

Step 5: Try Adding More Insulation To Your Attic

Finally, the insulation in your attic not only keeps your home warmer in summer. It also ensures that you can keep your property cooler during the summer months too. If you're struggling with a lack of insulation, then you might begin to notice a significant difference between the comfort levels of the upper and lower floors of your home.

Make sure that you have the right insulation installed for your region, and if you're not sure about the system you have in place, ask an expert for help. Replace any insulation that has stopped functioning, and pair with wire grating to reinforce their durability.

Getting Consistent Comfort From Your HVAC System

Sometimes, uneven cooling and heating throughout your home could be a sign of HVAC system failures. With that in mind, you might consider upgrading your device to something more powerful and energy-efficient, or you may simply ask an HVAC contractor to come out and look at your device.

If none of the solutions above make a difference to your heating and cooling woes, then consider speaking to an HVAC professional for additional guidance. A zoning system may seem like a solution,

Cool Your Second Floor And Living Space With Help From Furnace Part Source

Furnace Part Source has the components that you need for maintaining heating and cooling systems within the summer or winter. We believe that proper maintenance is the key to lower energy costs and higher efficiency.

Reach out to our experts to learn how to make your home comfortable. During the hot summers approaching, or the cooler winters, you want to master your airflow control.

24th Mar 2021

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